State Prison Solar: Renewable Energy Project
LEAD was contracted to provide Electricians, Safety Managers, Installers and Equipment Operators for conversion at multiple prison facilities across the state of California.
Paper Mill, Wallula, Washington
LEAD was hired to provide a total of eighty (80) skilled trades people for a three (3) month project on a paper mill. This case study highlights LEAD's recruitment strategy.
Soda Bottling Plant, California
The client hired LEAD to provide Electricians, highly experienced with multiple PLC software platforms, various network applications, multiphase power distribution and troubleshooting for a major soda bottling plant in Southern California.
Agricultural Construction
LEAD Case Study on Agricultural Construction: A Grain Storage and Handling Facility in North Dakota.
Sheriff Support Services Campus, Florida
LEAD Case Study: Recruiting Skilled Labor for a Sheriff Support Services - Campus Facility Project in Florida.
Solar Panel Install & Regulatory Compliance
The Contractor asked the Electricians’ Board for resources in Rhode Island and were directed to LEAD New England for help with a solar panel installation project to help with regulartory compliance.