
Conversion to Solar Energy: Multiple State Prison Facilities
California Department of Corrections

Workforce Partnership Scope

LEAD was contracted to provide Electricians, Safety Managers, Installers and Equipment Operators for conversion at multiple prison facilities across the state of California.

Negotiations of rates must include ability to pay a very competitive wage to the trades people.

Recruiting Strategy

Recruiting events held by LEAD at the Employment Development Department (EDD) in the state of California and partnership with pre-screening activities.

Pre-screening efforts, as always, must be in compliance with EEOC guidelines.

Coordination of EEOC guidelines with the highly sensitive and restrictive requirements for employees eligible to work within prison gates were handled by LEAD with intensive attention to details of all California, EEOC and prison guidelines.

Upon hiring by LEAD, candidates were subject to LEAD’s background check policies.

After confirming eligibility to work for LEAD according to LEAD’s background policies, new hires subsequently consented to background checks by the state of California.

Onboarding and Orientation

Orientations held by LEAD included critically important directives for attire.

LEAD employees could NOT wear clothing that was remotely close to prisoner attire.  They could wear no pants of any shade of khaki or tan nor could they wear shirts any shade of navy blue.  This directive was more challenging than one would expect.

Working at a prison facility is highly sensitive and required very thorough orientation regarding specific behaviors to avoid as well as security and safety precautions.

Further orientations for LEAD employees were coordinated and organized by LEAD project coordinators in conjunction with the specific prison facilities and authorities.

Project Outcome

The project lasted 4 months.  Consistent interaction with on-site LEAD employees and site supervisors as well as LEAD’s ability to effectively coordinate recruiting and pre-screening efforts with other organizations eliminated turnover allowing for on-time project completion.

This case study is a baseline illustration of LEAD’s INTEGRITY pattern:  attention to detail and comprehensive ability to support strict specifications while remaining in compliance with EEOC guidelines and unique California hiring laws.