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Why All The Fuss About Accident Prevention?

You’ve heard lots of talk, read lots of words, and even taken classes about how to work safely on your projects. Sure it’s “old stuff” — but it’s important stuff.
There is lots at stake for YOU in working without injury or damage, you have much to gain by keeping fit and unhurt.

#1 One big reason has a big ol’ dollar-sign in front of it. Lost time at work equals lost wages for you.


#2 Other people who count on you for happiness, and perhaps for financial support; they also have a big stake in your safety as a construction worker.


#3 Other things — like what you want most out of life. Maybe it’s a favorite hobby like sports, fishing, or hunting or a goal such as a new boat, a new car, a vacation, entering or finishing up school, early retirement, or a healthy bank account to fall back on.


Keeping uninjured and steadily on the payroll has a lot to do with being able to accomplish your important goals in life! Think of all the things you’re able to do now that give you earning power; then think of trying to do these same things if you were without a hand…or arm…or leg…or your eyesight. It’s much harder — if not impossible — for a disabled worker to reach all his major personal goals.

So don’t think about safe work practices and rules as “limiting you” or “cutting down on your individual freedom”; think about them as positive things, designed to help you keep your freedom and your abilities, so that you have a better chance of getting what you want most out of life. A risky habit or dangerous condition on the job is a threat to your freedom and your future.

Working efficiently and without injury is safest avenue leading from where you are to where you want to be in life. If you are ever put in an unsafe situation on a job site, reach out to us immediately!

Your safety is our #1 priority!