Companies who hire skilled trade workers can save time and money by employing a staffing agency who specializes in your industry. Hiring internally can be costly, take longer and may lead to lower-quality candidates. An industry staffing firm such as LEAD Corpus Christi may ease the pains and stress of finding the right candidate to keep a project running on time and on budget.

Using In-House Hiring

Tradesman welding on construction siteHiring internally, managing recruitment, on-boarding, and training, can be daunting for a company who may not have an HR staff with the experience in specific craft trades. A company’s human resources team may spend countless hours recruiting and interviewing candidates who may not be the qualified skilled worker needed to fill the position, explains Barbara Lopez, LEAD Corpus Christi managing partner. A skilled trade worker staffing agency, such as LEAD, has the technical knowledge and experience to choose the best qualified candidate for the job, more often faster than a typical HR department. Filling an open position quickly means less downtime and more production, thus saving money.

The right staffing agency has recruiters who can pull from a national footprint, unlike an in-house HR department. LEAD Corpus Christi has access to qualified candidates nationwide and can act as a business partner in the hiring process to any company exasperated by staffing and recruiting issues. With over 15 years of experience in the skilled trade workforce industry, Barbara says LEAD trade workers are fully vetted and ready to help your project team get to full staff with talented skilled workers.

LEAD acts as your on-demand resource – a partner in your business – who you can call at a moment’s notice to fill a skilled position in your workforce. LEAD essentially prevents the additional stresses of an understaffed workforce project.

Safety Matters

An unskilled worker in a skilled trade position is more likely to make mistakes and slow production, thereby adding unnecessary training or re-hiring costs to a project. An accident or an injury of a worker can stall or halt a project. “Hiring a candidate not fit for a position can negatively affect a project team and the business goals. The wrong hire may lead to an unsafe environment, with possible injury and accidents, or add unnecessary stress to the team,” says Barbara who has an OSHA 30 Safety certification. An environment that employs the best qualified trade workers promotes a safe environment and can save a company from costly ramifications of an unsafe worksite due to unqualified workers.

Low Overhead

Replacement of unqualified hires can have an immense impact on your budget. From labor hours during the hiring process to lost production and halted projects, on-demand staffing can be a smart financial decision. Additionally, using a skilled worker staffing company who helps you design, develop and implement workforce solutions can bring greater efficiencies to a company’s bottom line.

A company can realize significant financial savings when you look at the employer costs to provide benefits to employees. A staffing partner would be responsible for employee benefits normally included in a company’s employee benefit package. The cost of health, paid time off, retirement or 401k, workers comp, and more, all fall on the agency, resulting in significant savings for a business.

Experts in Skilled Staffing

The team at LEAD Corpus Christi is highly accomplished when recruiting qualified craftsmen as proven with its 90% first-time fill orders being accurately filled with the right person for the job, the first time! LEAD Corpus Christi specializes in industrial and commercial construction, refinery contracted positions including turnarounds, industrial and commercial skilled craft trades, and has a nationwide talent pool of the best available trade workers to help you meet your business goals. Schedule a meeting today to discuss how we can save you valuable time and money!