To our valued customers from Mark Curtiss,
President of LEAD Staffing:
March 15, 2020
Clearly, we are embarking on uncertain times created by Coronavirus (COVID-19). The totality of its effect on our collective businesses remains unclear.
As a valued client of LEAD, I want to personally assure you that we are doing and will continue to do everything possible to ensure consistent service to you and your organization.
We are certain you will agree, as always, our first priority is the health and safety of all of our employees. The inherent well-being of our customers along with our internal employees and trade associates is of absolute importance to us.
We are keenly focused on preparedness. The following points include new and existing safeguards put in place by LEAD:
- Prior to staffing we have heightened our screening of new and existing trade employees through a series of questions as to current health and recent domestic and international travel history.
- We have added a nationwide call in program which any LEAD employee may utilize to obtain additional preventative information as to COVID-19 and or report any concerns they may have with their own health or the health and safety within their work environment.
- LEAD provides a paid sick leave program for all employees and we require a doctor’s release prior to an employee returning to work which includes anyone who previously had influenza or respiratory like symptoms.
- LEAD has nine regional staffing and recruiting locations that cover both coasts and points in between. If one location is down, there are many others available to step up.
- Since our company’s inception in 2010 we have operated on a cloud-based computer system with centralized record storage. Our data center redundancy allows for nationwide data access and work from home capabilities within all regions.
As the true effects of this virus on our conjoined businesses reveals itself, I believe the most important thing we can do together is….
- Candidly communicate and be 100% transparent with one another as challenges arise.
- Reciprocally agree to inform of suspected and confirmed exposures.
- Take a united stand, supporting one another with regard to interim policies.
- Recognize the need for immediate and ongoing action: Our representatives will initiate communications with your organization posthaste.
Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you are facing any personnel or financial obstacles that could impact your operations. I will do everything in my power to make a positive difference.
We are in this for the long run and, like many other challenges our great country has overcome, we shall prevail!!!
Most Sincerely,