The LEAD Great Lakes team, led by Sales Manager, Carla Knapp, also serving as Vice President of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) Milwaukee Chapter 105, celebrates Women in Construction Week, March 5-11, 2023. Carla and NAWIC Chapter 105 President, Adrienne Caron (Project Manager at Gilbane Building Company) are excited to offer virtual and in-person events throughout the week.

Opportunities for Women in Construction are Growing

Chapter 105 members and local women in construction have the opportunity to attend the WIC events celebrating the role of women in the construction industry. Carla says, “Opportunities for women in construction are on the rise. The number of women in any skilled trade has been historically low due to lack of opportunity and education in the trades. However, according to a National Association of Women in Construction survey, when provided with a multiple-choice question, the opportunities for women in construction are increasing, decreasing, or about the same, 71% of respondents agree the opportunities are increasing. Another 28% believe they are about the same while fewer than 1% report opportunities are decreasing.”

NAWIC Chapter 105 Virtual Presentations, “What’s in Your Toolbox?”

NAWIC Chapter 105 leads the WIC week with four virtual presentations, “What’s in Your Toolbox?” are scheduled during WIC week – the first one scheduled for 8 a.m. on Monday, March 6, 2023. “These virtual events feature stimulating discussion with women leaders in the construction industry who are willing to share their stories about their frustrations and accomplishments. Plus, attendees will gain insight and advice on starting a business and advancing their careers,” says Carla.

The NAWIC and Safe Site Check In reports 59% of survey respondents also rank employers favorably for equality, says Carla. “This is a celebratory move in the right direction, however, more needs to be done to gain the respect and opportunity naturally given to our counterparts.” NAWIC members will find the March 8th presentation, “It’s Him, Not You: Thrive in a Male-Dominated Industry” enlightening. The mini-version of Jennifer Todd’s Masterclass aims to help members enhance their leadership style, build confidence, and gain respect in the workplace.”

On March 9, from 5-7 p.m., LEAD Great Lakes will host the final event of the week at the LEAD location in Oak Creek, 6508 South Howell Avenue, Suite 102. “As the local skilled trade staffing company, it seems fitting that we close out the week in a location where jobs for women in construction are filled,” says Carla. This last event of the week-long WIC celebration gives women in construction the opportunity to learn more about NAWIC, meet the NAWIC Milwaukee Chapter #105 members and celebrate WIC Week.

Woman of the Year Award

Presentation of a Proclamation by Governor Evers and Mayor Johnson and recognition of Patricia Westphal with the NAWIC Milwaukee Woman of the Year Award highlight the evening. Cocktails and appetizers will be provided at this free event for NAWIC members and non-members.

Carla Knapp and Adrienne Caron invite you to access the schedule for all WIC events on the NAWIC Milwaukee Chapter WIC event web page.

Contact LEAD to Learn More About Opportunities Available to Women in Construction

LEAD’s Carla Knapp is dedicated to elevating women in construction as she focuses on hiring skilled workers (women and men) to fill positions such as heavy equipment operators, construction managers, sheet metal mechanics, fiber optic installers/technicians, land surveyors, pipe layers, and more. Call Carla to learn how her inspiring team of recruiters will help you move forward in a career in construction or other skilled trade.