There is no better education for managing risk than the United States Armed Forces. So when Navy Veteran Alan Biliti joined LEAD San Diego’s Marine Division as Account Manager, he took charge of recruiting with a deep understanding of the hazards inherent in life at sea, as well as the risks all marine industry workers take to keep our country’s most essential maritime activities operational. In the process of growing the branch from two employees to over 160, Alan enthusiastically embraced and supported LEAD Marine San Diego’s powerful culture of safety, while contributing his personal experience to the strategies LEAD Marine San Diego has to counter the risks specific to the marine industry.

“We find hazards in shipyards and on board ships that simply do not exist anywhere else in the workforce, so education and a meticulous, ever-vigilant focus on safety culture is absolutely crucial. That focus is a central part of who we are,” Alan said.

LEAD Marine San Diego’s Safety Culture Starts at the Top 

Alan learned what it takes to run a safe ship over four years in the Navy training Philippine soldiers in the South Pacific, Man at a marine port with checklistand transferred that knowledge to benefit the civilian workforce by gaining his OSHA trainer certification in 2016.

“I was lucky to learn in the Navy just how important safety is in the marine industry, and I’m proud to be able to train others in OSHA certification and pass on some of the lessons about risk that I received,” Alan said.

LEAD San Diego’s Marine Division regularly hires for some of the most challenging positions in the industry, from pipe welders to structure welders, marine electricians to ship fitters, and the branch has benefited greatly from Alan’s personal experience. Alan understood early the importance of LEAD Marine San Diego’s comprehensive safety policies, and he continues to lead monthly and quarterly safety stand downs to make sure every employee is aware of risks surrounding them and the proper way to manage them. He also leads routine ship walks and presents a monthly safety award to employees.

“It’s really about making sure every individual and organization we partner with is at the top of their game, safety wise, at all times. Safety is not something that can be brought up once and then considered dealt with. Our safety culture is on ongoing, constant effort that teaches everyone to be responsible. We want all LEAD employees to stay safety minded, not safety blinded.”

Safety is Our Priority From Day One

From the moment new hire’s join LEAD Marine San Diego, they’re introduced to one of the most diligent risk management and safety cultures in the industry. New hires go through an orientation that includes education on the leading marine industry safety practices, and that’s just the beginning.

“We follow up closely with our employees for regular check-ins after orientation to make sure they’ve absorbed the material and know the best way to approach all manner of situations,” Alan said, “this emphasis on employee safety is about giving the client personnel they can trust, so we continue to mentor our employees after they’ve left for the job site, and we stick with them throughout the whole project. We work closely with our client’s safety representatives, do pre-job site safety assessments along with safety site walks throughout the whole duration that our employee is on the job.”

Our Safety Culture Delivers the Best for Our Clients  

When clients tell Alan that they loved the candidate LEAD Marine San Diego matched them with and want to hire him or her permanently, Alan knows the industry has just gained a worker who will be doing all the right things around the yard, and the client knows that too.

“It takes a certain mindset to approach work with everybody’s safety being the priority, and one of the biggest contributions we make to the industry as a whole is sending clients workers who will already have that certain mindset formed by our training and culture. Safety should be precautionary, and not reactive. Providing that peace of mind to our clients is really the most important thing we deliver,” Alan said.

Alan Biliti and the whole LEAD Marine San Diego team works tirelessly to send to the toughest jobs only candidates that have the right mindset. Experience their success by calling 619-468-2372.